Classification and valuation of managed forest land
Determination of land and cut timber values:
- Schedule A: map of valuation areas
- Schedule B: managed forest land values
- Schedule C: cut timber values for managed forest land-coast
- Schedule D: cut timber values for managed forest land-interior
Class 7- Managed Forest Land
Drinking water protection, guidelines, permits, contraventions, and plans
Environmental protection and emergency measures
Burning restrictions, requirements for designated smoke sensitivity zones, exemptions, penalties
Fish habitat protection and pollution prevention, harmful alteration of fish habitat
Prohibitions and authorization of pesticide use and sale, compliance, offences and appeals
Regulates the sale, use and handling of pesticides including licences, certificates and permits, notices, records and reporting
Regulates the sale, use and handling of pesticides including licences, certificates and permits, notices, records and reporting
Land registry, offences, Crown grants, bodies of water, trespass, surveys
Licensing, diversion, ground water protection, offences
Expropriation of land, changes in and about a stream
Protection requirements, government authority, administrative remedies and cost recovery
Fire prevention, hazard assessment & abatement, control, exemptions, cost recovery, administrative penalties
Critical wildlife areas, endangered and threatened species