Who We Are

The Council Consists of Five Members:

Two members appointed by the provincial government, two members elected by private managed forest landowners and one chair who is jointly appointed by the other four council members


Trevor Swan – Chair

Trevor Swan is a registered professional forester, retired lawyer and chartered director with 40 years experience in natural resource management, including the managed forest program. He is an experienced Director having served as President of the Association of BC Forest Professionals and as Chair for the Managed Forest Council from August 2004 to December 2011. Trevor has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from the University of British Columbia, a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Alberta and a Chartered Director designation through McMaster University.

William Pryhitko – Owner Member

Will Pryhitko started work with the Beaumont Timber Company in 1984. He became Vice-President in 1995, and was President and Chief Executive officer from 1999 until his retirement in 2013. He is currently a Director of the Company and sits on its Board. He has been involved extensively with local, provincial and federal governments on a broad range of issues related to private forest land and has worked closely with the BC provincial government and forest owners throughout the development and implementation of the Private Land Forest Practices Regulation. Mr. Pryhitko has been a council member since July 2004.

Blair Robertson – Owner Member

Blair Robertson has been active in private forestry and land management on Vancouver Island since 1990. He operates his family–owned managed forest on southern Vancouver Island. From 1996 – 2004, he acted as general manager of the Private Forest Landowners Association. By virtue of his involvement in the Managed Forest Program since its inception and through his ownership of private managed forest land, he has accumulated substantial experience with local and provincial governments on a variety of land management issues. He has a Bachelor of Commerce and MBA from the University of British Columbia.

Brian Frenkel - Minister Appointee

Brian Frenkel is a northern BC born, Forestry and Environmental consultant, business owner, politician and advocate for rural communities. Over the past 35 years he has worked with all levels of government to help provide process driven solutions to many resource sectors, regional districts and communities. He has worked as a Forest Planner and Forestry Technician throughout Northern British Columbia. His career has allowed him to participate in several land use planning processes such as: the Vanderhoof Land and Resource Management Plan; the PGTSA Cell Allocation Plan; and the Vanderhoof Sustainable Forest Management Plan.

Ione Brown – Minister Appointee

Ione Brown is a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) who has many years of experience in the forest industry ranging from work in government, industry and as a consultant.  Currently, she works as a Consulting Forester providing strategic planning services, environmental consulting, small tenure forestry and a variety of other advisory roles to a diversity of clients.  She has volunteered for several community organizations, including Director/Officer roles with a Community Forest Board and also sits on the Advisory Planning Commission for the area where she lives.

Ione holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSc(F))
(1997), a Diploma of Forest Technology from BC Institute of Technology (1994)
and an Executive Certificate in Sustainable Community Development from Royal
Roads University (2011). She is a passionate advocate for local communities and
is well versed in the multi-disciplinary nature of resource management at all


Ann Donaldson, RPF

Ann Donaldson is a registered professional forester with more than 25 years experience working in natural resource management on the coast and in the interior BC. Ann has worked as a consultant for both industry and government, with experience in silviculture, forest inventory, development planning, timber supply analysis and management plans. She has also worked as an administrative forester responsible for monitoring compliance with legislation and policy. She began working with the Managed Forest Council as a part time consultant in 2004, becoming full time in 2016.



• Trevor Swan, August 2004 – December 2011
• Rod Davis, January 2012 – January 2021


• Don Avis, July 2004 – June 2006
• J.T. (Jim) Trebett, July 2006 – June 2010


• Garth Webber Atkins, July 2004 – June 2006
• Rod Davis, July 2004 – March 2011
• Ron Davis, August 2006 – August 2012
• Rod Visser, November 2011 – November 2017
• Michael Alexander, August 2012 – August 2018            • Dennis Lozinsky, August 2018 – August 2024