Inspections | Document #CPO-01
Ensures that inspections are carried out by qualified persons and scheduled in a manner that addresses risk and the appropriate allocation of available resources.
Investigations | Document #CPO-02
Provides consistency and timeliness respecting investigations of suspected contraventions of the Private Managed Forest Land Act and regulations.
Stop Work Orders | Document #CPO-03
Provides direction on the issuing of a stop work order under section 30 of the Private Managed Forest Land Act.
Prosecutions | Document #CPO-04
Ensures that the decision to forward cases to crown counsel for consideration of charges is made consistently, and that the cases are forwarded in a timely manner.
Late Payment of Annual Administration Fee | Document #CPO-05
Provides direction on ensuring compliance with the requirement to pay an annual administration fee under and in accordance with the Act.
Late Submission of Annual Declaration | Document #CPO-06
Provides direction on ensuring compliance with the requirement to submit an annual declaration under and in accordance with the Act.
Consent Agreements | Document #CPO-07
Provides direction on use of Consent Agreements for contraventions of Council Regulation.
Status of Managed Forest Land When Sold | Document #APO-04
Provides direction on transferability of managed forest land classification when sold and the obligations of the new owner to maintain managed forest status.
Inspections | Document #CPR-01
Outlines the inspection process depending on the inspection type and terms of reference.
Investigations | Document #CPR-02
Provides guidance to participants in an investigation of a suspected contravention of the Private Managed Forest Land Act (the Act) and its regulations.
Stop Work Orders | Document #CPR-03
Outlines the process for identifying the circumstances under which a stop work order is issued and when it would be rescinded.
Prosecutions | Document #CPR-04
Ensures that, in respect of a prosecution for an offence under the Private Managed Forest Land Act and its regulations, the council, its staff and agents act in a fair, professional, and legally defensible manner.
Consent Agreements | Document #CPR-07
Outlines the process for entering into a Consent Agreement with an owner of private managed forest land.
Measuring Tree Retention Beside Streams | Document #FPO-01
Describes the assessment of tree retention adjacent to streams as required in sections 27, 28 and 29 of the Private Managed Forest Land Council Regulation.
Classifying Streams Upstream of a LWI | Document #FPO-02
Provides interpretation with regards to requirements of the Council Regulation that came into effect in 2007.
Reforestation Stocking Variability | Document #FPO-03
Describes allowable variation in stocking in regards to reforestation requirements of harvested or disturbed areas. Policy is defined regarding distribution of crop trees and areas of voids or understocking with respect to section 31 of the Council Regulation.
Measuring Tree Retention Beside Streams | Document #FPR-01
Outlines the process for the collection of tree retention data that enables Council to determine if tree and understory retention requirements of the Council Regulation have been met. Establishes the following in respect of streamside retention: where to measure the retention; what parameters of retention to measure; and how to measure retention.