Reforestation Obligations

healthy new forest

Reforestation Obligations

Important Regulatory Information for Landowners

Managed forest landowners must be aware of reforestation obligations for areas where timber has been harvested or destroyed.  These areas must be both restocked and successfully regenerated in accordance with Section 31 of the Private Managed Forest Land Council Regulation (Council Regulation).

Section 31 of the Council Regulation sets out reforestation requirements including definitions, timelines, and exceptions.

If an area has been harvested or destroyed, the owner or a contractor, employee or agent of the owner must:

  1. Restock the area with at least the minimum number of crop trees within 5 years, and
  2. Successfully regenerate the area with at least the minimum number of crop trees within 15 years


See the Council Regulation here for complete regulatory requirements for reforestation of areas where timber has been harvested or destroyed.

Restocking and successful regeneration obligations are assessed by inspectors during regular managed forest inspections.  Inspectors have noted areas with significant challenges that are hindering restocking and successful regeneration within the required timeframes.  Challenges include delayed planting, lack of natural regeneration, brush, deer & elk browse, and pest damage.  Site specific environmental factors and challenges must be considered when developing strategies to ensure reforestation obligations are met.
